2018-2019 School Grants FAQs

This page will be updated as more questions are asked!

This page will be updated as more questions are asked!

Q:How much money can I receive for a TEGS school grant?

A: Recipients of the TEGS school grant can apply for and receive up to $1500 this year for their school. Applicants may receive less than the total amount they apply for, and applications for amounts smaller than $1500 are welcome.

Q: When is the Deadline for this year’s applications?

A: The deadline for 2018/19 applications is  Wednesday Oct 24th at 11:59PM 

Q: How big of a team do I need to qualify for an application?

We require a designated team leader, at least one teacher from your school on the team, and approval via signature of your school’s principal. We strongly encourage grant teams to have at least three members, but teams can be much larger.

Q: If my school received small grant funding from TEGS previously, are we eligible to apply this time?

A:  YES!  You are eligible!

Q: When does the project need to be implemented?

  1. The project should be well under way by the end of the Spring 2019 semester.  That is to say, the majority of the objectives of the project should be implemented/in progress by May 2019, though we hope that project-related activities and project impacts will continue far beyond this.